a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.
Not just a word. Not just an organization that releases children from poverty through child sponsorship. We lived compassion today.
12 beautiful children and their guests gave us the opportunity to follow Jesus' example. "And He took the children in His arms, placed His hands on them and blessed them."
For us that took the form of learning about Compassion's work at a child center, visiting Natanim's home (all 11 of our team fit inside, but barely), hugging, giving gifts, riding rides at an Ethiopian amusement park, eating lunch at a rooftop restaurant and playing at a mall arcade. All the while, we had the very moving experience of connecting with a child and communicating how special and loved they are and watching them sparkle and shine as they received our love. Each member of our team was deeply impacted. We all now have a new understanding of
Here's Matt's experience...
Before this trip, and probably today, I was skeptical of Compassion-type organizations. My only real exposure to Compassion was from occasionally receiving a pamphlet with a few sad looking kids from around the world who were in need of sponsorship. Sponsoring a child involves a monthly donation of a set amount with the option to exchange letters with your child. This all looks great on paper I thought, but what really happens to the money donated? How in the world does one specific child halfway across the world really get this money? It all seemed rather sketchy. You have this poor, sad child in need and I am just expected to send a check in the mail every month and somehow the problem is solved? No way. I wasn't falling for that.
Well, today changed my mind and my heart. Little did I know that to sponsor a child was far more involved than just sending a monthly donation. When a child receives a sponsorship it opens up so many opportunities for them. It allows them to get an education, receive medical care, stay with their family and most importantly hear about Jesus. I saw first hand today one of Compassions' project sites today and met the leader who explained just how much it means to the children to receive sponsorship. We also had the opportunity to visit the home of one of the little girls who is sponsored. Later in the day we actually got to meet Yonas, a 17 year old young man who my fiancé Bethany and I just started to sponsor a couple months ago. I realized then that he was more than just a picture in a pamphlet. He is a very sweet, kind and fun loving child who was so grateful to meet us and so thankful and appreciative after only a couple short months of sponsorship. After today I can say that I am now a believer in Compassion and am really looking forward to continuing my relationship with Yonas. I can tell you firsthand that you will be just as blessed as the child you sponsor.
**We have so many photos to share but are having difficulties with the wifi...hope to be posting lots of pictures soon!!
Flesh and blood is so much more than pen and ink, as you have so well explained, Matt! To see the child you are sponsoring and understand what your check means in terms of real, genuine help is so overwhelmingly satisfying. Thank you, Matt, for sharing! Keep the pictures coming! Pastor Warren